Psychological Research Data & Tools Repository

Readers' Search Strategies for Scientific Publications, 2021

posted on 2022-01-31, 07:03 authored by Anna ShvedovskayaAnna Shvedovskaya, Aleksei KorneevAleksei Korneev

The “Readers' Search Strategies for Scientific Publications-2021” is a follow-up to a large-scale survey conducted by Renew Consultants since 2005. In 2021, the company presented the report “How Readers Discover Content in Scholarly Publications 2021” with the results of a survey that identifies strategies for the initial stage of searching for scientific articles and video content. The survey was conducted between January and March 2021 in English. Survey authors Simon Inger and Tracey Gardner continue a series of studies undertaken in 2005, 2008, 2012, 2015 and 2018 by Renew Consultants. The text of the report is freely available. Published by Renew Consultants, a trademark of Simon Inger Consulting Ltd. in July 2021. The complete dataset can be found at: The report can be downloaded at:

The survey “Readers' Search Strategies for Scientific Publications-2021” conducted by the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education from April to June 2021 in Russian. The results of the survey made it possible to formulate a number of conclusions regarding the characteristics of reader behavior and strategies for searching for scientific information - how readers search for articles from scientific journals. The survey results are freely available.


Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


Research questions / Hypotheses

How do readers search for content in scholarly publications?

Research aim

Identify strategies for the initial stage of searching for scientific articles and video content.

Participants / Sample description

The total number of survey respondents is 678 people from 15 countries. Of these: from the Russian Federation - 92% of respondents, from the Commonwealth of Independent States - 6% (Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine), from other countries - 0.9% (Bulgaria, Great Britain, Indonesia, Germany, Cyprus, France). The main part of the respondents identified themselves in the field of education - 75.4%, teachers of higher or secondary vocational education by position - 42.8%, by profession, referring themselves to psychology - 31.1%.

Apparatus and materials

“How Readers Discover Content in Scholarly Publications 2021” by Tracy Gardner and Simon Inger. Published by Renew Consultants, a trading name of Simon Inger Consulting Ltd Published July 2021 (

Data collection procedure

The survey was conducted in an open form using Google tools.

Statistical methods

To concretize and refine the results of the survey in the course of the analysis, we used a comparison of groups of respondents by sector of activity, types of employment and specialization. As part of the report, we present descriptive statistics of the results obtained, which will allow us to get a general idea of the distribution of respondents' answers both in general over the entire sample and in individual subgroups - depending on the sector of activity, type of employment and specialization.


The present study examines the importance of various search options for scientific information (scientific articles and / or videos) for the user of scientific content, assesses the competition between major search engines, and also attempts to find out what proportion of time people spend on what they consider "search" .

Quantitative analysis results

  • Results file is attached

Ethics Committee Approval Certificate

  • No Ethics Committee Approval Certificate

Research Pre-registration Protocol

  • No Research Pre-registration Protocol


Moscow State University of Psychology and Education