Psychological Research Data & Tools Repository

Personal Self-Activation Inventory. Belarusian Data

Version 2 2021-08-01, 15:08
Version 1 2021-07-28, 12:04
posted on 2021-08-01, 15:08 authored by Nataly RadchikovaNataly Radchikova, Maria OdintsovaMaria Odintsova, Nina Kozyreva
The data for the verification of the reliability and validity of Personal Self-Activation Inventory for the Belarusian Russian-speaking sample


Research questions / Hypotheses

The aim of the study was to verify the reliability and validity of Personal Self-Activation Inventory for the Belarusian Russian-speaking sample.

Participants / Sample description

Reliability and internal consistency verification of Personal Self-Activation inventory involved 194 people (74% were female). The age of the subjects ranged from 17 to 49 years and averaged 25 years (median = 22 years, standard deviation = 6.7). The average age of women and men did not differ statistically (24.8 years for women and 24.5 years for men, t (191) = 0.19; p = 0.85). Of this sample, 122 people took part in the external validity verification and 29 people took part in the reliability retest.

Apparatus and materials

The following questionnaires were used: 1) Personal Self-Activation Inventory 2) WAM Questionnaire (well-being, activity, mood) [Doskin et al. Test of differentiated self-assessment of the functional state // Quest. Psychol, 1973, no. 6, 141–145 (in Russ.)] 3) Self-control Scale [Gordeeva et al. Self-Control as a Personality Resource: Assessment and Associations with Performance, Persistence and Well-Being. Cultural-historical psychology, 2016, Vol. 12, no. 2, 46-58 (in Russ.). doi: 10.17759/chp.2016120205] 4) Hardiness Test based on the Personal Views Survey III-R by Maddi [Osin & Rasskazova A short version of the Hardiness Test: psychometric characteristics and application in an organizational context. Moscow University Bulletin. Series 14. Psychology, 2013, no. 2, 147–165 (in Russ.)] 5) Personality dynamism questionnaire [Sapronov D.V., Leontiev D.A. Personal dynamism and its diagnostics // Psychological diagnostics. 2007, no. 1, 66–84 (in Russ.)]

Data collection procedure

The study was carried out in small groups (2 to 17 people) and was anonymous. Participants who had to fill out the self-activation inventory form twice (to check the retest reliability) signed with pseudonyms. Testing for all methods was carried out simultaneously and took no more than 20 minutes

Statistical methods

Reliability analysis, Pearson correlation coefficient, descriptive statistics


Standardization of Personal Self-Activation Inventory was carried out for the Belarusian sample (N=194). Personal Self-Activation Inventory consists of three scales (self-dependence, physical activation and psychic activation), the total sum of which gives the value of the general level of self-activation. It is established that the Inventory has satisfactory internal and external validity and reliability.

Publication reference

Radchikova N.P., Odintsova M.A., Kozyreva N.V. Personal Self-activation Inventory: Standardization on Belarusian Sample // Vestnik Polotskogo Universiteta. Seriya E = Herald of Polotsk State University. Series E., 2017, no. 15, pp. 77-82 (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.) Радчикова Н.П., Одинцова М.А., Козырева Н.В. Методика самоактивации личности: адаптация на белорусской выборке // Вестник Полоцкого государственного университета. Серия Е. – 2017. – № 15. – С. 77-82.


Herald of Polotsk State University. Series E. [Вестник Полоцкого государственного университета. Серия Е]


Nataly P. Radchikova, PhD in Psychology, Leading Researcher of Scientific and Practical Center for Comprehensive Support of Psychological Research PsyDATA, Moscow State University of Psychology & Education, Moscow, Russia Maria A. Odintsova, PhD in Psychology, Professor, Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of Distance Learning, Head of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of Distance Learning, Faculty of Distance Learning, Moscow State University of Psychology & Education, Moscow, Russia Nina V. Kozyreva, Associate Professor, Institute of Psychology, Belarusian State Pedagogical University, Minsk, Belarus