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Citation prediction of Russian journals articles in psychology in WoS by articles parameters and eLibrary and PsyJournals altmetrics

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The study identifies citation predictors of Russian scientific publications on psychology in the Web of Science Core Collection (WoS) and compares them with citation predictors in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). Four groups of indicators of various types are considered: formal attributes of the article (12 parameters), article visibility parameters on the eLibrary (3 parameters) and PsyJournals (2 parameters) internet portals, showing the availability of the article text to potential readers, and attributes of the author’s method of scientific citation (3 parameters). Special attention is paid to citation attributes as qualitative characteristics of the author’s way of working on his own scientific text and constructing a dialogue (in the form of citation) with other researchers.


Research questions / Hypotheses

RQ: Is it possible to predict citation of Russian journals articles in psychology in Web of Science by articles parameters and eLibrary and PsyJournals altmetrics?

Research aim

To reveal relationship of article's references indicators, visibility in local language scientific resources and citations in the international database WoS.

Participants / Sample description

The sample amounted to N = 469 articles for 2014 and 2015 in 6 leading Russian journals related to the topic “Psychology”. For N = 105 articles were used data of annotations views and PDF downloads provided by

Apparatus and materials

We examined 5 citation parameters in the Web of Science Core Collection (WoS), i.a. 3 parameters “with Russian plume” (Citir_WOS, Cit_Rus_L_WOS, Cit_R_WOS) and 2 parameters “without Russian plume” (Cit_No_RL_WOS, Cit_No_R_WOS): Citir_WOS – general citation of articles in WoS; Cit_Rus_L_WOS - citation of articles in WoS in Russian-language publications; Cit_Russia_WOS – citation of articles in WoS in Russian publications, i.e. affiliated with Russia; Cit_No_Rus_L_WOS - citation of articles in WoS, taking into account only publications NOT in Russian; Cit_No_Russia_WOS - citation of articles in WoS in publications not affiliated with Russia. The parameters under study are 4 groups: Article attributes (12 in total), Attributes of authors' citation method (3 in total), Visibility (publication accessibility) parameters on (3 in total), Visibility parameters on (2 in total).

Data collection procedure

Six journals related to the topic “Psychology” were selected. Criteria of journals selecting: psychology is the main activity of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (MSUPE). Only high-quality journals were taken - 3 leading journals of MSUPE - "Psychological Science and Education", "Cultural-Historical Psychology", "Experimental Psychology", the 2 most famous journals in psychology - "Voprosy Psychologii", "Psychological Journal”- and the journal “Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics”, which occupies the 2nd place in the Science Index of the RSCI for 2017. All journals are included in the Web of Science Core Collection database. For journals indexed in ESCI, the impact factor was calculated according to data provided by the ESCI, while for the rest it was specified in WoS.

Statistical methods

The quantitative analysis of the data was carried out using the methods of multivariate statistics, since the number of the studied parameters is relatively large - 20 in total. To compare the "polar" groups of articles cited in WoS on generalized parameters - factors - exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was used. Assessment of the relationship between article attributes, citation attributes and visibility parameters - altmetrics - in eLibrary and PsyJournals with citation rates in WoS was performed using cluster analysis (CA) with 4 groups of articles indicators used as clustering parameters. The multiple regression analysis (MRA) method was used to predict citation in WoS by article parameters. Data analysis was performed in the SPSS program V23 and V25.


Two citation types in WoS were considered: “with Russian plume” (general citation, citation in Russian-language publications and in publications affiliated with Russia) and “without Russian plume” (in publications in foreign languages and in publications not affiliated with Russia). Using the methods of multivariate statistics — factor and cluster analysis — the relationships of a number of studied parameters with citation in WoS has been statistically confirmed. For each of the 4 groups, by multiple linear regression analysis the most significant indicators for predicting citation in WoS are revealed, but the percentage of explained variance of the dependent variable is very low and does not exceed 8.5%, in contrast to the citation prediction in the RSCI, where it reached 19.6% for eLibrary and 24.7% for PsyJournals. The authors are given recommendations on increasing the citation of their articles.


Journal of Scientometric Research


Arkadiy A. Margolis, PhD in Psychology, Rector, Professor, Chair of Pedagogical Psychology, Moscow State University of Psychology & Education (MSUPE), Moscow, Russian Federation Victoria V. Ponomareva, Director of the Fundamental Library of Moscow State University of Psychology & Education (MSUPE), Moscow, Russian Federation Marina G. Sorokova, Doctor in Education, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Head of Scientific and Practical Center for Comprehensive Support of Psychological Research PsyDATA, Professor, Chair of Applied Mathematics Department, Faculty of Information Technology, Moscow State University of Psychology & Education (MSUPE), Moscow, Russian Federation