The subset (balanced by age and sex) of the data on the evaluation of COVID-19 situation by adult respondents coming from countries with the common past, language and similar mentality but differing in governmental security measures during pandemic spring outbreak (no precautionary measures in Belarus; lockdown and financial support in Russia). All data is available at Mendeley ( The data contains socio-demographical information (sex, age, country of citizenship), survey answers and the results of standardized psychological tests (to measure beliefs in dangerous and threatening social world view, hardiness, personality dynamism, self-activation, spiritual personality characteristics).
Research questions / Hypotheses
The main aim of the work was to compare the assessment of COVID-19 pandemic situation by the respondents of different age group and of two countries that differ in the strategies of state regulations against infection (Belarus and Russia).
Participants / Sample description
The subset includes the data of 439 people (age from 18 to 62): 231 Russians (77.9% of women; average age 32.68+9.16 years) and 208 Belarusians (75.5% of women; average age 30.94+10.28 years).
Apparatus and materials
The data contains socio-demographical information (sex, age, country of citizenship), survey answers and the results of five standardized psychological tests:
1) Dangerous and threatening social world view (adaptation of Duckitt’s Scales for Social Beliefs by Gulevich, 2014)
2) Hardiness (short version of the adaptation of Maddi’ Hardiness test by Osin & Rasskazova, 2013)
3) Personality dynamism (by Sapronov & Leontiev, 2007)
4) Self-activation (by Odintsona & Radchikova, 2018)
5) Spiritual personality characteristics (adaptation of spiritual personality inventory by Ozhiganova, 2019).
The survey consists of four blocks: specific impact of the COVID-19 situation on various aspects of respondents’ life; estimation of different fears; estimation of various aspects of COVID-19 situation, and estimation of personal resources. Full survey text is available with data files in English (“Covid_Survey (Eng).pdf”) and Russian (“Covid_Survey (Rus).pdf”).
Data collection procedure
The data was collected via online survey platform (Google forms) from 2020.04.11 to 2020.06.04 (during the period of lock-down in Russia).
Both Belarusians and Russians highly estimated their capabilities and resources. Older people in both countries give a more negative assessment of the pandemic situation, while at the same time giving a higher assessment of their resources than young people. In self-isolation the intensity of fears decreases, the situation is assessed more positively, but the influence on physical activity and mental state increases.
Publication reference
Odintsova M.A., Radchikova N.P., Yanchuk V.A. Assessment of the COVID-19 Pandemic Situa-tion by Residents of Russia and Belarus. Sotsial’naya psikhologiya i obshchestvo = Social Psychology and Society, 2021. Vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 56—77. DOI: (In Russ.).
Одинцова М.А., Радчикова Н.П., Янчук В.А. Оценка ситуации пандемии COVID-19 жителями России и Беларуси // Социальная психология и общество. 2021. Том 12. No 2. C. 56—77. DOI:
Quantitative analysis results
No Results file
Ethics Committee Approval Certificate
No Ethics Committee Approval Certificate
Research Pre-registration Protocol
No Research Pre-registration Protocol
Maria A. Odintsova,, PhD in Psychology, Professor, Chair of Psychology and Pedagogy of Distance Learning, Head of the Chair of Psychology and Pedagogy of Distance Learning, Faculty of Distance Learning, Moscow State University of Psychology & Education, Moscow, Russia
Nataly P. Radchikova, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of Developmental Psychology, Faculty of Pre-School Pedagogy and Psychology, Moscow Pedagogical State University; Leading Researcher of Scientific and Practical Center for Comprehensive Support of Psychological Research PsyDATA, Moscow State University of Psychology & Education, Moscow, Russia
Vladimir А. Yanchuk, PhD in Psychology, Professor of the Department of Social and Organisational Psychology, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus